/Users/Overview GET

Returns high level information about a particular user as a User Overview object.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


If the user credentials are not for an active user, you will recieve a 403 Forbidden and a Message Response indicating the reason

If the user credentials are for an active user, you will receive a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
AccountStatus int int Internal value used to indicate the status of the account.
AccountStatusMessage string string Current User Account Status.
BuyerTaxExempt boolean true/false Indicates if the User is tax exempt if they are buying an item.
CanSellWithFreedomCoin boolean true/false Indicates if the User is permitted to select FreedomCoin as a payment method for new listings.
CanUseLayaway boolean true/false Indicates if the User has a Layaway policy defined.
CanUseTaxCloud boolean true/false Indicates if the User is configured to sell using TaxCloud to calculate taxes.
CollectorsElite boolean true/false Indicates if the User is permitted to create Collector's Elite listings.
Email string string Email address for the user you are looking up.
FirstName string string The first name of the user.
HasFreedomCoinVault boolean true/false Indicates if the User has an active FreedomCoin Vault Handle setup in BitRail.
IsAllowedToSell boolean true/false Indicates if the User is permitted to create new listings.
IsFFLActive boolean true/false Indicates if the User is an active FFL in the GunBroker network.
LastLogin DateTime Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format The last login date returned in UTC
LastLoginDays integer integer The number of days since last login
LastName string string The last name of the user.
LoginFlags integer An enumeration specifying the user login settings 0 - No settings. This login is for a linked user.

1 - Primary User. This is the primary login for the user.
RequiresPrimarySellerConsent bool true/false If you are logged in to a secondary account, this indicates if the primary user needs to accept new Seller Agreement terms and conditions.
SellerTaxExempt boolean true/false Indicates if the User is tax exempt if they are selling an item..
State string string The US state code of the user's business address (if applicable), otherwise the US state code of the user's personal address
UseOmniCheckout boolean true/false Indicates if the user's account is using OutdoorPay / OmniPay.
UserID integer integer The user's identifier.
UserName string string The UserName of the user.
UserOption Integer Integer The User's Options flags.
UserOptionString String









A descriptive list of the User's options.