Returns account information about the logged-in user
Header | Data Type | Valid Values | Required | Description |
Content-Type | string | application/json | YES | The format your data will be sent to our site. |
X-DevKey | string | string | YES | The devkey assigned to the developer. |
X-AccessToken | string | string | YES | The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken. |
NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.
If the user credentials are not for an active user, you will recieve a 403 Forbidden
and a Message Response indicating the reason
If the user credentials are for an active user, you will receive a 200 OK
and the following data as serialized JSON
Parameter | Data Type | Valid Values | Description |
FirstName | string | string | The first name of the user. |
LastName | string | string | The last name of the user. |
Address1 | string | string | The first line of the user's address. |
Address2 | string | string | The second line of the user's address. |
City | string | string | The city of the user. |
State | string | string | The state of the user. |
PostalCode | string | string | The postal code of the user. |
CountryCode | string | string | The country code of the user. |
PrimaryPhone | string | string | The primary phone number of the user. |
PrimaryPhoneType | int | int | The primary phone type of the user. |
SecondaryPhone | string | string | The secondary phone number of the user. |
SecondaryPhoneType | int | int | The secondary phone type of the user. |
Fax | string | string | The fax phone number of the user. |
UseBusiness | boolean | true/false | If true, then the business versions of name, address, and phone numbers should be userd wherever applicable |
BusinessCompany | string | string | The company name associated with the user. |
BusinessFirstName | string | string | The business first name of the user. |
BusinessLastName | string | string | The business last name of the user. |
BusinessAddress1 | string | string | The first line of the user's business address. |
BusinessAddress2 | string | string | The second line of the user's business address. |
BusinessCity | string | string | The business city of the user. |
BusinessState | string | string | The business state of the user. |
BusinessPostalCode | string | string | The business postal code of the user. |
BusinessCountryCode | string | string | The business country code of the user. |
BusinessPrimaryPhone | string | string | The primary business phone number of the user. |
BusinessPrimaryPhoneType | int | int | The primary business phone type of the user. |
BusinessSecondaryPhone | string | string | The secondary business phone number of the user. |
BusinessSecondaryPhoneType | int | int | The secondary business phone type of the user. |
BusinessFax | string | string | The business fax phone number of the user. |
PublicEmailAddress | string | string | The public email belonging to the user. |
RegistrationEmailAddress | string | string | The email used during registration |
User | User Summary | User Summary | The user summary for the logged-in user |
FFLSummary | FFL Summary | FFL Summary | The FFL summary for the logged-in user |
LoginFlags | integer | An enumeration specifying the user login settings |
0 - No settings. This login is for a linked user. 1 - Primary User. This is the primary login for the user. |