Sends Item information to the seller when an item is sold.
You can subscribe to this Webhook by clicking here.
Our Webhooks use Basic Authentication and are submitted to your API via a POST.
Parameter | Data Type | Valid Values | Description |
Buyer | User Summary | User Summary | The Buyer of the item on the order |
BuyerConfirmed | boolean | true/false | Indicates if Buyer has Confirmed the order |
BuyerReviewed | boolean | true/false | Indicates if Buyer has reviewed the order |
CanMarkPaymentNotReceived | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the Seller change the payment status to unpaid |
CouponCode | string | string | Coupon Code used in this order |
CouponValue | Decimal | Decimal | Value of the Coupon applied to this order |
eFFLUrl | string | string | The URL for the eFFL document associated to the selected FFL |
FFLID | integer | integer | The Object ID for the selected FFL |
FFLReceived | boolean | true/false | Indicates if Seller has Received FFL information |
ItemIDs | array[integers] | array of positive # | An array of itemIDs on the order |
CanRelist | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the Item associated to the Order can be relisted. This would be false if the Item has been purged. |
RelistPrice | decimal | positive # | The price to relist the item |
ItemShipped | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the item has been shipped |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
LostCashDiscount | decimal | decimal | Discount amount lost when using a credit card. |
LostCashDiscountPercent | decimal | decimal | Percentage Discount lost when using a credit card. |
MiscCharge | decimal | decimal | Miscellaneous charge on the Order |
MiscFee | decimal | decimal | Miscellaneous State Fee on the Order |
MiscFeeDescription | string | string | Description for Miscellaneous State Fee on the Order |
MiscFeeInfoBug | string | html | Tooltip html for Miscellaneous State Fee on the Order |
OnLayaway | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order is currently on Layaway |
OrderCancelled | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order is canceled |
OrderComplete | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order is complete |
OrderRefunded | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order is refunded |
OrderReturned | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order is returned |
OrderDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
PaymentInProcess | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the order has a payment still in process |
SellerReviewCompleteDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
BuyerConfirmationDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
PaymentInProcessDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
PaymentReceivedDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
PaymentReminderDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The is the time a payment reminder was most recently send in UTC. |
CreditRequestInitiatedUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The is the time a credit request was initiated in UTC. |
FFLReceivedDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
ShipDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
SellerForcedCompleteDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
LayawayAcceptanceDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
ReturnedDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
RefundDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
ChargebackDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The is the date time (in UTC) a Chargeback was placed on the Order. |
IsChargeback | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the Order has a Chargeback recorded against it. |
BuyerReviewedDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
CancelDateUTC | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The time is returned in UTC. |
FFLNumber | string | string | The FFL number belonging to the order. ( if the order needed a FFL ) |
PaymentMethods | key/pair ( integer/string ) |
2 - Certified Funds 4 - Personal Check 8 - Visa MasterCard 16 - COD 32 - GunTab Escrow 64 - AMEX 128 - Discover 512 - PayPal 8192 - Certified Check 16384 - USPS Money Order 32768 - Money Order |
The payment methods the buyer selected. |
OrderID | integer | positive # | ID of the Order |
OrderItemsCollection | Order Item | Order Item | The Order Item information for the items in the order |
PartialRefund | boolean | true/false | Indicates if a partial refund has been issued |
PartialRefundDateUTC | DateTime | true/false | The date time (UTC) the last partial refund was issued |
PaymentLogAmount | decimal | positive # | The amount for the most recent payment log transaction |
PaymentLogCleared | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the most recent payment log transaction was cleared |
PaymentLogDateTime | DateTime | Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format | The datetime (in UTC) for the most recent payment log transaction |
PaymentLogResponseCode | string | string | The response code for the most recent payment log transaction |
PaymentLogTransactionID | string | string | The transaction ID for the most recent payment log transaction |
PaymentReceived | boolean | true/false | Indicates if Seller has received payment |
RefundFailed | boolean | true/false | Indicates if a refund has failed |
RefundFailedDateUTC | DateTime | true/false | The date time (UTC) the refund failed |
Seller | User Summary | User Summary | The Seller of the item on the order |
SellerReviewed | boolean | true/false | Indicates if Seller has reviewed the order |
ShipTerms | number | number | Accepted shipping terms |
ShipToAddress1 | string | string | Address1 of the buyer |
ShipToAddress2 | string | string | Address2 of the buyer |
ShipToCity | string | string | City of the buyer |
ShipToCountryCode | string | string | Country of the buyer |
ShipToName | string | string | Name of the buyer |
ShipToPostalCode | string | string | Postal code of the buyer |
ShipToState | string | string | State or provinces of the buyer |
ShipToPhone | string | string | Phone number of the buyer |
ShipToEmail | string | string | Email of the buyer |
BillToName | string | string | Billing Name of the buyer |
BillToAddress1 | string | string | Billing Address1 of the buyer |
BillToAddress2 | string | string | Billing Address2 of the buyer |
BillToCity | string | string | Billing City of the buyer |
BillToState | string | string | Billing State of the buyer |
BillToPostalCode | string | string | Billing PostalCode of the buyer |
BillToCountryCode | string | string | Billing Country Code of the buyer |
BillToPhone | string | string | Billing Phone Number of the buyer |
BillToEmail | string | string | Billing Email of the buyer |
ShipClass | key/pair ( integer/string ) |
0 - None 1 - Overnight 2 - 2-Day 4 - 3-Day 8 - Ground 16 - USPS 1st Class 32 - USPS Priority Mail 64 - Other 128 - In-Store Pickup 256 - Alaska, Hawaii & Terr., Non-Continental US, Other |
What shipping carrier is shipping this order. |
ShipCost | decimal | positive # | Shipping Price on the Order |
ShipHandlingCost | decimal | positive # | Shipping Handling Price on the Order |
ShipInsuranceCost | decimal | positive # | Shipping Insurance Price on the Order |
TaxExempt | boolean | true/false | Indicates if the Order is Tax Exempt |
TotalPrice | decimal | positive # | Total Price on the Order |
ComplianceFee | decimal | positive # | Compliance Fee on the Order |
SalesTaxTotal | decimal | positive # | Total Sales Tax and Compliance Fee on the Order |
TaxCloudCartID | GUID | GUID | If TaxCloud was used to calculate taxes for this order, you can use this value to lookup the transaction in TaxCloud. This value will be null if Taxes were not calculated via TaxCloud. |
BuyersPremium | decimal | positive # | Buyers Premium Fee on the Order |
OrderAcknowledgeDateUTC | DateTime | true/false | The date time (UTC) the Order was acknowledged |