/Coupons GET

Returns search results as a List Response for coupons with given search parameters.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string Optional The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
Category integer integer ID of the category you want to look for.
CouponStatus integer 0 - All

1 - Active Coupons Only (Default)

2 - Not Started Coupons Only

3 - Ended Coupons Only
The status of a coupon you want to look for. Note: Only sellers searching their own coupons may select a status other than active.
CouponType integer 0 - All

1 - General Coupons

2 - Manufacturer Specific Coupons

3 - UPC Specific Coupons

4 - Category Specific Coupons
The type of coupon you want to look for. Defaults to 1 - General if not provided.
ItemCondition integer 0 - All

1 - New

2 - Old Stock

4 - Used
The item condition the coupon is applicable for.
Manufacturer string string Name of the manufacturer you want to look for.
SellerUserName string string Username of the seller you want to look for.
Sort integer 0 - Seller Username

1 - Coupon Code

2 - Coupon Value (Default - based on the PercentAmount or DollarAmount of the coupon)

3 - Redemption Limit

4 - Expiration Date

5 - Start Date
The field to sort on.
SortOrder integer 0 - Ascending

1 - Descending (Default)
Sort direction.
UPC string string The UPC you want to look for.
ValueType integer 0 - All

1 - Amount

2 - Percent
The type of coupon you want to look for.

Optional PagingParameters


If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
Categories array of strings string An array of category names that apply to the coupon
CouponCode string string The code used for coupon redemption
CouponType integer integer The type of the coupon
CouponID integer positive # The ID of the coupon
Description string string The description for the coupon
DollarAmount decimal positive # If the ValueType = 1, this is the dollars off for the coupon.
ExcludedManufacturersByCategory json json Categories with a list of excluded Manufacturers.

                    "excludedManufacturersByCategory": [
                            "categoryName": "Semi Auto Pistols",
                            "manufacturers": [
ExcludedUPCs array of strings string Manufacturers that the coupon will not apply for.
ExpirationDate DateTime Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format The expiration date (in UTC) of the coupon. If this is null, the coupon does not expire.
ItemCondition integer 0 - All

1 - New

2 - Old Stock

4 - Used
The item condition the coupon is applicable for.
Manufacturers array of strings string An array of manufacturers that apply to the coupon
MinimumPurchaseAmount decimal positive # The minimum purchase amount required for the coupon to apply. If this value is 0.00, no minimum purchase is required.
PercentAmount decimal positive # If the ValueType = 2, this is the percent off for the coupon.
RedemptionLimit integer positive # The redemption limit per user for the coupon
Seller User Summary User Summary The User Summary for the seller's coupon.
StartDate DateTime Valid ISO 8601 DateTime format The starting date (in UTC) of the coupon
UPCs array of strings string An array of UPCs that apply to the coupon
ValueType integer 1 - Amount

2 - Percent
The type of coupon