/Orders/{orderID}/Coupon PUT

Redeems a coupon for the given coupon code against an existing order and returns the values that for the resulting orders



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the path of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
OrderID integer positive # Order ID to redeem the coupon


NOTE: Variables to place in the body of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
CouponCode string string Coupon code to pre-validate against an order


If the order is not valid, the coupon is not valid, or the coupon is not valid for the order, you will receive a 400 BadRequest and a Message Response indicating the reason.

If the order is in a status that cannot be updated, you will receive a 403 Forbidden and a Message Response.

If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
CouponCode string string Coupon code of coupon that would be applied to the order
CouponID integer positive # ID of coupon that would be applied to the order
CouponValue decimal decimal Value of coupon that would be applied to MerchandiseTotal for the order
LostCashDiscount decimal decimal Discount amount lost when using a credit card.
MerchandiseTotal decimal decimal Item subtotal + cash discount
MerchandiseTotalWithCoupon decimal decimal MerchandiseTotal after coupon is applied
MiscCharge decimal decimal Any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
OrderID integer positive # ID belonging to order
OrderTotal Decimal Decimal Order Total
SalesTaxHandlingTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for handling, if applicable
SalesTaxInsuranceTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for insurance, if applicable
SalesTaxItemsTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for items (computed against MerchandiseTotalWithCoupon), if applicable
SalesTaxMiscTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for misc charge, if applicable
SalesTaxShippingTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for shipping, if applicable
SalesTaxTotal Decimal Decimal Total sales tax for the order, if applicable
ShipCost Decimal Decimal Shipping cost.
ShipHandlingCost Decimal Decimal Handling cost.
ShipInsuranceCost Decimal Decimal Insurance cost.
SubTotal decimal decimal Item subtotal before cash discount, shipping, and tax