/Users/Fees GET

Returns the listing fees for the currently logged in user.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


If the user credentials are not for an active user, you will recieve a 403 Forbidden and a Message Response indicating the reason

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
BoldfaceFee decimal decimal The listing bold face fee.
ColoredFee decimal decimal The listing colored title fee.
CounterFee decimal decimal The listing counter fee.
FeaturedFee decimal decimal The listing featured fee.
FeeID integer integer The user's assigned Fee ID.
HighlightFee decimal decimal The listing highlight fee.
InsertionFee1 decimal decimal The listing sponsored offsite fee.
OneDayInsertionFee decimal decimal The listing one day insertion fee.
ReservePercentageFee decimal decimal The listing reserve percentage fee.
ScheduledFee decimal decimal The listing scheduled fee.
ShowcaseFee decimal decimal The listing showcase fee.
SponsoredOnsiteFee decimal decimal The listing sponsored onsite fee.
Subtitle decimal decimal The listing fee for adding a subtitle.
ThreeDayInsertionFee decimal decimal The listing three day insertion fee.