/ItemsNotWon GET

Returns a user's not won items as a List Response.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
SellerName string string The username or email of the seller
Keywords string string Searchable keywords from the item title and description fields
Sort integer 0 - Thumbnail

1 - Title

2 - SalePrice

3 - MyMaxBid

4 - EndingDate

5 - ItemID
The field to sort on. Default = 4 - EndingDate
SortOrder integer 0 - Ascending

1 - Descending
Sort direction. Default = 1 - Descending
TimeFrame integer 1 - ViewCompleted

8 - ViewEndedLast24

9 - ViewEndedLast48

10 - ViewEndedLastWeek

11 - ViewEndedLast2Weeks

12 - ViewEndedLast30Days

13 - ViewEndedLast60Days

14 - ViewEndedLast90Days
Using this parameter requires a valid X-AccessToken authentication header. This sets the time frame to search for. Default = 12 - ViewEndedLast30Days.

Optional PagingParameters


If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
Bids integer positive # The number of bids the item had when it closed.
BuyNowPrice decimal positive # The "Buy Now" price for an item, if applicable. Will be 0 if a "Buy Now" price is not set
EndingDate datetime A valid datetime The ending date for the item in UTC.
HasColor boolean true/false Whether or not this item has the paid Colored Title feature.
IsTitleBoldface boolean true/false Whether or not this item's title is bold.
ItemID integer positive # ItemID of the item.
MyMaxBid decimal positive # The max bid for the current user and item.
SalePrice decimal positive # The price the item sold for.
Seller User Summary User Summary The User Summary for the item.
SubTitle string string The subtitle of an item.
Title string non null string The Item Title.
TitleColor string Valid hex color strings (ex: #000000) The color of the item title. If the paid feature isn't available, black (#000000) will be returned.
ThumbnailURL string A fully qualified url to an image file The location of the image file to be used as the thumbnail for the item


Rel Description Condition
self The item details
feedback View the Seller's feedback summary
selleritems Seller's other items for sale
relist View the most recent relist off the item (if applicable)